Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Kiddosports?

Kiddosports aims to be the place to find all your interested sports for you and your kids and all in one place. The internet is full of options and we have decided to aim to those who want to keep their children happy, energised and full of spirit in sports. Sports can help in a variety of well not only will it get your heart beating, but will do greater many things for your mental health. So, if not just for your kids but also for you get searching for the kid in yourself at Kiddosports!

Can I advertise on Kiddosports?

It is free to list your business on our website, but in order to gain more exposure we recommend using our premium services.

How can I get in contact with Kiddosports?

You can contact us at, we operate between Monday - Friday 9 am - 5pm.

How much does Kiddosports cost?

Kiddosport is free for all to use and search, if you would like to advertise with us using our premium service click here to find out more

How do I update my details?

In order to update your details login with your username and password, the page will direct you to your own personal page where you can update and manage your own details.

Can I provide feedback and comments?

We welcome comments and feedback, please email us at

I no longer want to subscribe can I get a refund?

We would be sad to seeyou go, but understand if it is not for you, our subscription services are fixed for a 12 month period. You have a 14 day cancellation period, which we will give a full refund, however after this time we cannot offer any refunds. Please note, we do not offer any partial refunds.

How can I cancel my subscription?

For cancellations, please contact us at

Where can I find the Terms and Conditions for Business premium users?

T&Cs can be found at the bottom of the site

How do I cancel my booking?

In order to cancel or amend a booking please contact your sports provider directly.

My listing is already online? how do i claim it?

If you would like to claim an existing listing, please email us at and let us know which listing it is. We will require some proof to prove you are the owner of this listing.

How do i use the booking system?

Our booking system is only available for business users that have signed up for a premium account. With our booking system, parents/people interested in classes are able to directly register for one of your classes.

What is youtube social media integration?

If you have a youtube channel, we will automatically sync and repost your videos on our social media wall